Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Being sick really sucks. I went to the doctor yesterday to find out that I have two types of the flu and that I possibly had a mild case of bronchitis that my body fought off. I started feeling better yesterday, went to bed and woke up in the wee hours of the morning with intense ear pain. I've had ear infections all my life, ranging from annoying little aches to once rupturing my ear drum. I never thought I had them that bad, but after talking to my mom today, apparently I did. I woke up this morning and found little spots of blood all over my pillow from where my ear had drained and it really freaked me out, so I got on and started looking into it. Hopefully it's just a rupture of a sore (like I said, mom said this happened when I was a kid) and antibiotics will take care of it. Either way, this blows. It's not even just a flu that you throw up a few times, feel crappy, eat some soup and crackers, and a couple days later you're better. No, of course it's me so it can't be that easy. Ugh. I'm off to the doctor to figure out what's wrong with me now. Wonderful.

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